Monday, September 6, 2010

things i'm loving right now...

- organic dried mangos

- anything Isabel Marant

- my new black satin quilted Chanel bag from my hubby

- iced pomegranate green tea

- the thought of becoming an Aunt :)

- caramel waffle cookies from Starbucks

- that Nami is potty trained & every time she's done peeing she says "that's all i gotta do"

- country music... makes me homesick though :(

- the Louis Vuitton A/W 2010-2011 RTW collection

- everything I bought from Vintage & Rags in Cologne... ahhhhmazing!

- Season 5 of "The Office"

- January Jones' blue Versace dress at the Emmys... flawless...



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

there is never enough time..... never.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'd like to think of myself as a good choreographer... Critics might beg to differ but I've never paid much attention to people who love to criticize but have no ability to actually do anything but that :) I mean my show does make thousands of people happy all over the world, not to mention the fact that my dancers enjoy it as well. Anyway... I was thinking during my morning workout about all the different ways one is inspired. You always hear people saying they're inspired by paintings, music, movies, fashion, God, food... the list goes on and on. I'd like to think I'm not only inspired by all those things but the actual feeling I get when I'm right in the middle of it. You know... right in the middle of a really good song/meal/movie/conversation... I think one of the biggest flaws in people is not recognizing their true feelings... It's so easy to feel the same thing every day, but try and break away from that... Go down a different road... Make yourself feel/do/watch/read/wear/listen to, something different and then remember the exact way it makes you feel. It will make you a better friend, artist, lover etc... Knowing what you like & don't like in life is simply fabulous :) It saves time & energy & really makes you zero in on what's important. When I think back to all the dance I've created, I can actually remember what inspired the making of it. Sometimes it's the silliest thing but it always includes a memory that makes me smile. Even if the memory is sad, I then think of what was created because of it. So in fact, my feelings & memories are what I feel inspire me most. Being in touch with my inner wants & needs makes me feed myself in a way that makes my life/work better.

My rambling point is... be creative. be genuine. be happy to be alive. get inspired. love your life. make yourself better every day.

I know all this sounds silly but waking up every morning and trying your best to live your life this way really makes a difference & inspires others to do the same.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

some of my favorite movies...

Fabulous movies that inspire me & make me better.

1. Atonement
2. The Hours
3. The Dark Knight
4. Pride & Prejudice
5. Amadeus
6. Bridget Jones' Diary
7. Gladiator
8. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
9. Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
10. Home Alone

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I hate when parents, especially mothers, go on and on about how amazing their children are. I think it's because my momma was the exact opposite of that mother. She was/is the type of mother that doesn't have to brag to others about how proud she is of my brothers and sisters and I. You just know she is :) She's always been a firm believer in the old saying of "actions speak louder than words". If any of you know my mom, you know that she is a strong & beautiful woman and that there is no better mother around. I don't know how she did it though!!! All I wanna do is talk about how fantastic my little Nami is! How did she have the restrain to not bore everyone to death about how awesome her 4 beautiful children are? I think it's because she never lived through us, only for us. Her main goal was to see us succeed for us, not for her. Being selfless like that made her a mother that never let you forget your successes or your failures. She was always honest and made sure that we knew exactly who we were at a time when maybe others were telling us otherwise. I hope with all my heart that I can measure up to the mother she has been to me because who your parents are and how they raise you is so important in the person you become. I don't care what anyone says... Parents can make or break you. The responsibility in knowing that is the driving force in my quest of being the best mother to Anami. I thank you momma (& daddy) for being more interested in being my parent than my friend... Ultimately, that is what makes us such good friends now that I'm an adult.

Sorry for the rambling... My daddy & Nami just left Germany today... I'm terribly upset and it's only been a few hours... I can't wait to see them & my momma again in 2 weeks in Vienna.

Until then, I pray that you & your family & friends stay safe, happy & healthy always...
xoxo, A

Monday, February 8, 2010

things i'm loving right now...

things i'm loving right now...

~Big Love season 2

~my new Chanel Precision Body Excellence cream

~free food & drink @ the theater here in Dusseldorf

~playing darts with the boys


~fuzzy socks

~ the start of the Winter Olympics!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

my 1st blog

i don't know why i want a blog, i just do... hopefully i will write awe-inspiring things :) here's hoping........